Sunday, May 27, 2007

Words from General Managar towards BWBC on the Beach


As we continue on our everlasting journey building our hotel culture to be “Best in Class”, I would like to congratulate each and every associate for their sheer passion and dedication to our Resort and the Sheraton Brand. Our core values are well and truly embedded with the Sheraton Pattaya Team. We are Sheraton and we are immersed in the Sheraton Brand. We are creating Loyalty truly beyond Reason. Let’s continue the journey of creating lasting impressions for our guests with interactions that are most memorable. Let’s understand our guests more, lets care more for our guests and each other. I am extremely proud of the team we have assembled at the Sheraton Pattaya Resort, you really do make the difference! So today, I salute YOU!

David Cuddon

General Manager
Sheraton Pattaya Resort

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